Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Post three. Build two.

         Good morrow Interwebs!

         Day three of said blogging adventure.

          Continuing my journey into the realm of  Steampunk. At this point I was hooked! Also though not 100% happy with it  I finished my first build. So by this point all I can keep thinking is, What else can I build? What would look really cool "Steampunked"? Trying to think of stuff that hasn't been done before is almost pointless at this point, Mainly because there is just so many Builds that have been done all over the world.
So originality is pretty much out the window for most people. However that is the beauty of Steampunk, no one cares if you make something that has been done to death as long as it is unique.
          USB flash drives are made every day. If you were to do a google search you will find thousands of them. I had a Flash drive just sitting around doing nothing, so the day that I had to reformat it I figured why not remake the whole darn thing. This one i ripped apart and rebuilt in about five minutes. I started by popping it open and getting rid of all the plastic pieces. Because plastic is bad.

         I wanted to keep the size roughly about the same as it was. Also I wanted to make sure that the little accent light will still be seen. When you plug it in it glows orange. Also when it fully connects to your PC the orange LED has a rolling dimming that looks great behind the gears. Now like I said this was build in about five minutes it made of Balsa wood, Brass tin, Faux gears I found at the craft store and super glue.

       Now this was my second Steampunk build and its pretty obvious that my skills with working on small things still was not the greatest. But that didn't Stop me I was still way to hooked on the Idea of a Steampunk world. I still wanted to make every and anything I could Steampunk. The next thing I moved onto was laptop but thats another story for another time.

       My next blog post will be about tsaid Laptop but until then I leave with a Quick video of my USB flash drive. Thanks for reading.

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